Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3/16/2015 Updates

Hey hey fam! 
Oh my goodnes I cannot believe how fast time flies! I know I keep saying this, but whoa, this week has flown! 
NINE months! whoa... can't believe it :) 
Well this week at church I felt so happy to see 4 families who have recently been baptized this year at church.  And even though they are not my converts, I have seen these families in some of their ups and downs after baptism as they continue to progress.  We helped this week 2 families of those we teach come to church! 
I know that the Lord works through people on earth.  Hermana G and I planned a sort of famliy home evening with a family who are members.  But we hadn't verified what time yet, with this recent convert family that we visit.  Well their cell phone doesn't work, and they live way up in the mountains, so Hermana G and I were just praying that there would be a way to get a hold of them.  As Hermana G and I started climbing the mountains to get to this family to bring them to this famliy home evening, we were hoping that the husband would be there as well.  Well as it turned out, right as we got there the husband and wife were in a big fight, and the wife was just in tears ready to leave for her grandma's house with the kids.  We did not know what to do, and tried not to counsel them but tried calming Hermana C (the wife down) They continued to argue about how one doesn't help the other, and other things, etc. But finally we convinced Hermana C to come with us to get some fresh air and her husband (J) would watch the kids.  She finally agreed, and we climbed the mountains back down to go to our house and give her some of the pictures from their baptism and wedding from the Hermanas that baptized them.  Also before we got there, one of the members gave us some tamales that his mom made and so we were able to give these tamales to J and the kids to eat for dinner as we left with Hermana C.  We then left and went to visit the wife of the branch president so they could talk, and we walked with them back up the mountain to their house where she could talk and help them.  Oh man, but how grateful I was that we were there, when we were there to help this recently baptized family.  I know that there are not coincidences as you said Mom, but that the Spirit helps guide us and put people in certain places at certain times to help us in our challenges.  They are doing better, and I know that if we were not there, Hermana C would have left. :( How grateful I am for the Spirit that can guide us every day! 

Also we are still teaching J2, who is supposed to get baptized March 28th.We were talking to him about how he feels for his baptism, and he told us that he still is looking for an answer to see if this chruch is true.  A dream or vision.... most people expect that.  But Hermana G whipped out Alma 32, and we talked about how we don't walk by sight essentially, but by faith, and how faith is not to have a perfect knowledge.  We know J2 knows it is true, and we have had some sweet spiritual lessons with him.  Now we just hope that he will feel and recognize in his heart that this is what he needs to do.  J2 is also only 14, (I feel like I have baptized the whole Young Mens.) haha and only his Mom is a member.  But we know what a great influence he can be for his family and especially his dad.  

Well time is flying, and I am so happy to hear that Jamison is coming HOME!!! :) whoo! I miss you all! and hope you will keep J2, this recent convert familily who is having some trouble, E family, and also the other J who we are teaching in your prayers, that they will remember the spirit that they have felt, and keep their commitments so they can progress!! :) 

Love and miss you! 
Hermana Nichols 

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